1.1 .................... moves to amend H. F. No. 1, the delete everything amendment
1.2(H0001DE1), as follows:
1.3Page 4, line 23, delete everything after the period
1.4Page 4, delete line 24
1.5Page 5, after line 8, insert:
1.6 "Sec. 10.
[256N.12] COUNTY ROLE.
1.7 Counties may choose to determine eligibility under section 256N.11, provide
1.8assistance to applicants under section 256N.12, subdivision 1, and provide ombudsperson
1.9services under section 256N.12, subdivision 2. This shall not limit the ability of the
1.10commissioner to establish reasonable staffing standards that relate to the number of
1.11persons served, and that provide a county option to hire part-time staff or pursue
1.12multicounty implementation models. If a county chooses not to deliver these services,
1.13they shall be delivered by the commissioner. If as a result of state assumption of these
1.14roles, county staff with expertise and experience in these areas are laid off, they shall be
1.15given hiring consideration by the commissioner in staffing these functions within the
1.16Department of Human Services. State and federal funding to support these services shall
1.17be the same, whether delivered by the state or by a county or group of counties."
1.18Renumber the sections in sequence and correct the internal references
1.19Amend the title accordingly